Climate change adaptation and resilience: big challenges for local communities
The online event on the climate crisis will bring together speakers from PUC-Rio and UC Chile. In addition, testimonies of students from different countries will be presented on the effects of the crisis in their localities. Join the webinar on April 13 via Zoom.

photo_camera "What we can expect from this webinar? It will be a space for reflection on the great challenges for resilience and adaptation that the climate crisis presents for the specific communities of the different territories" explains Román Guridi, member of Sacru's working group 2.
Coordinated by UC Chile, through the Institute for Sustainable Development, this new webinar of the Sacru Alliance seeks to generate a space for reflection on the challenges of the climate crisis in terms of adaptation and resilience.
The webinar will count with the participation of:
- Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro of Brazil (PUC Rio), through the academic of Urban Design and Planning, Maria Fernanda Lemos.
- UC Chile, through the professor of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering and member of the Center for Global Change, Francisco Meza.
- Ramon Llull University will moderate the event.
"What we can expect from this webinar? It will be a space for reflection on the great challenges for resilience and adaptation that the climate crisis presents for the specific communities of the different territories. The perspective of students from different universities will be combined with the participation of experts, such as professors from PUC-Rio and UC Chile", explains Román Guridi, member of Sacru's working group 2, led by the UC Chile Office of the Vice President for International Affairs.
During the meeting, films where students from around the world will reflect on the climate crisis from their own realities and local sensitivities, will be shown.
This cycle, also seeks to highlight the voice of students from various universities of the Sacru Alliance around the globe. Institutions such as Boston College, Sacro Cuore University of Italy, and Sophia University of Japan have held other versions about the topic in the past.
"This cycle has been focused on the climate crisis and some specific topics. The first topic was plastic production, the second was climate crisis and security, and the third, which is coming up now, will be on climate crisis: adaptation and resilience," explain Guridi.
This webinar is part of the second cycle of online seminars organized by the SACRU Alliance, the international network of Catholic universities, whose working group is under the direction of the Vice President of International Affairs UC, Lilian Ferrer.
The event is open to the public and registrations for the transmission via Zoom are available.